Donate trees and save the Amazon!

Support the livelihood of the Shua Indians and their work to expand and preserve the original rainforest in the Amazon, Ecuador.

Read the newsletter about the Balsaskov project, May 2023 here

Your options


Climate Forestry: Balsa trees with CO2 ownership

Balsa trees in the Amazon are fast growing and absorb up to 3 times more CO2 than an average Danish forest.

Companies can get the right to the CO2 absorbed over a 5-year period for donated Balsa trees to the Amazon in Ecuador:

  • After 5 years, 1 balsa tree has absorbed a total of 80 kg of CO2
  • 1 hectare with 2,500 balsa trees absorbs 200,000 kg of CO2 (200 tons) over 5 years

2,500 donated trees are helping to protect 3 hectares of primary rainforest. A company will have it added to their certificate if it reaches the 2,500 donated trees over time.

The company receives a certificate showing the amount of CO2 absorbed for their donated trees - see example here

Price per tree: DKK 24 / 3.25€

Mixed Forestry: a mix of native timber species and balsa trees

From the autumn of 2024, a mixture of fast-growing balsa trees and native tree species will be planted to promote biodiversity.

  • 2,500 trees are planted per hectare
  • Balsa provides short-term benefits, while the timber species take over for long-term sustainability.
  • All species are native and many are locally endangered. Planting these endangered species densely helps prevent their felling in pristine forests.
  • Additionally, this model absorbs 25-30 tons of CO2 per hectare.

2,500 donated trees are helping to protect 1 hectare of primary rainforest. A company will have it added to their certificate if it reaches the 2,500 donated trees over time.

See an example of the Mixed Forestry Certificate here

Price per tree: DKK 16 / 2.15€

1st picture: Our partner responsible for the Ecuadorian project Søren Hoff Brøndum, next to a Balsa tree 6 - 7 months old.


The COVID-19 pandemic in Ecuador and the Amazon has struck the Indigenous people hard. In addition to the health consequences, the fragile markets of which the Indigenous peoples are a part have collapsed due to the pandemic. The ecotourism industry, which until the pandemic played a central role in many Amazonian villages, has collapsed and the sales of traditional goods have been extremely limited. The limited economic opportunities put the Indigenous peoples in a desperate situation in order to raise funds for health, education and basic food items.

In the Ecuadorian Amazon, this has left the Shuar with little to no economic activities, and there is an imminent danger that illegal logging or hunting could become the only means of making a living.

Latest video from Sørens visit in Ecuador, February 2024:

Purpose of the project

The purpose of Project Wawazonia is to generate income among the villagers of the native Shuar communities through investment in the sustainable production of balsa wood (called Wawa in Shuar). The establishment and management of the new balsa forests will provide employment and enable the Shuar to say no to pressure from illegal loggers. By producing the balsa in plantations, on previous farmland, the demand for wood is concentrated on a smaller area, creating a buffer for the undisturbed primary forest and eliminating the need for cutting balsa there. This benefits the rainforest which covers 7% of the earth's surface and contains over 60% of the world's biodiversity.

The project will also launch a Shuar led Climate Fund that will invest in sustainable economic activities in the villages, such as tourism, craft production, fish farming and the like.

See the villages in Google Maps:
Sumac Pakcha
Irshim - see a map over the area of 5,3 acres here

See a map of them and new villages ready to plant balsa trees here

Watch a drone video of Balsaforest 6 months after it is plantet here

Watch a Shua Indian talk about how donations make a difference here

See the brochure about the Balsa forest project here

Expected result:

  • To establish 200 hectares in six different indigenous Shuar communities.
  • Create jobs related to the production and management of balsa plantations.
  • Market and sell sustainable balsa timber from the plantations no later than 5 years after establishment, combined with skills and general education level about sustainable forest management.
  • Carbon capture through plantation establishment as well as carbon emissions displacement effect by use of balsa wood products. One hectare of balsa forest captures 30 tons of carbon per hectare per year, which can be purchased by companies.
  • Establish a Shuar led climate fund. The fund will receive DKK 1 per tree planted and 5 percent of the profit from the sale of balsa wood. The fund will support sustainable development in the communities, such as ecotourism, women's group activities, craft production and the development and sale of traditional medicine, etc.

About Balsa

In the Shuar language, the balsa tree is named Wawa. It grows naturally in the rainforest of Ecuador. In Spanish, balsa means raft. It is a lightweight timber and floats easily. Due to its lightness and strength, balsa is used for a wide range of products: wind turbines (blades), planes, ships, cars, pencils, model aircraft and fishing tackle, etc.

Scientific name:      Ochroma pyramidale
Density:                    150 kg. per m3
Height growth:        20-30 meters in 4 years
Diameter growth:   25-35 cm after 4 years
Volume growth:      150-200 m3 per hectare per year (marketable quantity)