Chairman Lars Heiselberg Vang Jensen
Mobile: +45 40 15 35 94

About Us

We, Lars Heiselberg Vang Jensen and Kim Nielsen, founded Growing Trees Network back in 2012 based on a simple vision of wanting to plant 1 mio trees or more to protect drinking water, reduce CO2 and to create recreational spaces for humans and animals.

Since then we have worked hard and passionate to make the vision come through by establishing new forests in Denmark in corporation with danish municipalities, churches and The Danish Nature Agency, primarily near drilling and recovery areas to secure our unique unfiltered drinking water.
In the summer of 2019 we established our first pilot project in Ghana to forefront our ambitious Savanah Forest and Landscape Restoration Program.

Our work and effort is based on the values that everyone can contribute, everyone can make a difference and have a good experience. It is all about creating the most value to benefit Mother Earth.

CEO Kim Nielsen
Mobile: +45 31 13 01 03

Financial Model

Donation price per tree: 2.15€ - 2.55€
Donation price per tree: 3.40€ (if CO2 ownership)

80% is forwarded to project owner to cover the cost of:

The share paid is financing:
  • Preparation of the land
  • Purchase of plants
  • Planting of the trees (approx 4.000 per hectare)
  • 2 years of maintenance, guaranteeing replacement of tree.
After establishment the forests are granted status as permanent and shall be operated sustainably by the project owner according to the Danish Forest Act.

The Purpose

The purpose of Growing Trees Network is afforestation on land owned by municipalities, churches, the Danish Nature Agency or private people in Denmark and abroad to secure ground water, climate protection and CO2 reduction, and furthermore:

  • Afforestation on land owned by companies, organisations and privates people with public access, and where future maintenance is secured in an agreement with the project owner.
  • Afforestation on municipality and state owned land to make Denmark greener.
  • To provide financial support for municipalities and the state buying land on top of ground water reservoirs for fast protection.
  • Afforestation in tropic and subtropic countries through projects run by us or in corporation with other tree planting NGOs.


Palle Madsen

Independent Senior Researcher at InNovaSilva ApS, PhD and former Professor MSO at Copenhagen University

My passion is to bring good news about forests, afforestation and reforestation.

When we know the function and dynamics of the trees, we just have to realize that besides being the worlds most beautiful production unit the forests simply are - and in particular the growth of the forest - the most effective weapon we have fighting climate changes.

We need to go beyond being a CO2 neutral society - we have to strive to become CO2 negative. In the future we need much more tree in the forest and especially as a factor of substitution for CO2 consuming building materials like steel and bricks. We need to a have a storage of CO2 outside the forests as well to be able to fight the climate changes and to secure a sustainable future.

For me it makes perfect sense to team up with Growing Trees Network Foundation to follow our common goals of more forests and a sustainable future.

Palle is available regarding climate and forest specific questions on mobile: 2434 0209, or on e-mail:

Peter Søgaard

Biologist specializing in Population Biology, ecological interactions and conservation from the University of Aarhus.

Have always been a nature geek involved in nature conservation. Became a member of Greenpeace at the age of 12.

Since 2007 I have been working professionally with nature management in Denmark. Today I'm working on integration of biodiversity in city development, climate adjustment, infrastructure and afforestation.

Target. To integrate biodiversity in development of our society - nature is a cornerstone of our identity.

Karsten Bjørno

Head of communication in DANVA, the Water Sector Industry Organization.

Afforestation has a documented and positive influence on the quality of the ground water. The work done by Growing Trees Network helps to raise awareness on the need to protect our ground water and at the same time engaging the citizens of Denmark. That work brings respect and recognition.

Morten Dall

Innovation Midwife & Serial Entrepreneur

It's easy to despair and repress when the news floods us with critical problems like climate change, and catastrophic loss of biodiversity. As just one human being, it can be difficult to see how it's possible to make any noteworthy difference.

This is the beauty of Growing Trees Network. They make it tangible to the individual how he/she can contribute to solving complex problems - and at the same time contribute to something deeply rooted in our souls.

As an entrepreneur, I have worked with sustainability for years. This makes it natural for me to support the important work of Growing Trees Network. And I love trees!

Being an Innovation Midwife for the past 15 years, I have helped companies give birth to new ideas and, then give them a good start in life. I hope my experience will result in even more trees sprouting into existence.


Board of Growing Trees Network Foundation

Lars Heiselberg Vang Jensen

The climate challenges now clearly show that you, I and all human beings need to make a significant effort to reduce unnecessary consumption, limit our CO2 emissions and actively help nature.
For everyone to be able to help new afforestation projects via donating money for trees and purchasing of land - I think it's beautiful and important - just as we have democracy.

The DNA of our concept is what we can do when we work together.

Previously, I worked as a Falck rescuer and as an idea man and co-founder started an ambulance-help project to Laos in Asia, where the goal was to establish a local ambulance service. Together with my good friends and talented Falck colleagues in the project Team Laos Rescue Equipment for 3. World countries, we managed to procure 33 containers filled with ambulances, hospital equipment, nursing items and rescue equipment. Subsequently, we were in charge of training and education of doctors and nurses in the use of the equipment.

Now it is afforestation in Denmark and abroad that I'm passionate about.

Kim Nielsen

Kim has a Science Degree in Business Administration from the University of Aarhus and has been employed as a Director in the IT business for many years. From 2008 to 2018 he worked as a self-employed business coach and consultant parallel to starting up Growing Trees Network.

Kim says: When Lars back in 2012 shared his thoughts of facilitating the plantation of 1 mio trees within three years I immediately said: That makes sense - let’s do it!

Since then we have worked hard and passionate to make the vision come through by establishing new forests in Denmark in corporation with danish municipalities, churches, The Danish Nature Agency and private landowners, primarily near drilling and recovery areas to secure our unique unfiltered drinking water. We have a common responsibility to secure a sustainable future. Afforestation is our contribution!

Kim Agerfeldt

Owner of several companies, and serial entrepreneur with a burning heart for optimal solutions, especially for the energy sector.

In my world, sustainability and business go hand in hand. I think out of the box, and like to look for a solution where integration of CSR is of great importance. My green thinking and broad knowledge of the packaging industry ensures that we can always offer a solution where all materials can be recycled.Sustainability is therefore a natural part of my working day!

I am involved in the Growing Trees Network Foundation as I believe that this particular project helps to secure our common future in Denmark and hopefully can reach far beyond our country's borders. I have known Lars for many years, travelled with him and helped with many projects to 3 countries in the world.

I believe it is a common task to secure and take care of our future!